
 Alcohol Testing: What you need to know

Alcohol Testing: What you need to know

Alcohol is one of the highest contributing factors to domestic violence, abuse, health issues and the breakdown within families and issues in workplace situations. Testing for alcohol provides a scientifically proven method to monitor an individual's alcohol use over a period of time. An alcohol... Read More

16th May 2023

Peth Testing: An Expert Guide

Peth Testing is the most accurate blood test to determine Alcohol Abuse for family courts, fitness to practice, clinical studies and treatment centers.  Phosphatidylethanol (PEth) Testing provides a detection of alcohol abuse with 99% sensitivity (far higher than traditional blood... Read More

22nd March 2023
Hair Drug Testing FAQs

Hair Drug Testing FAQs

Drug Testing

Hair drug testing is a reliable, accurate and robust method for covering large historical chronological insight into drug or alcohol consumption. At DNA Legal, our hair strand testing offerings are a popular and well-established option for legal practitioners and professionals specialising in the... Read More

28th February 2023

Are drugs consistent with declared usage?

Hair strand testing is uniquely positioned to provide valuable insight and precise identification for patterns of substance use across a wide-range of legal and medical purposes. methods of analysis, such as analysing individual segments of hair allow for historic pattern analysis but can have... Read More

6th February 2023

DNA Testing in Wills, Inheritance, and Estate Disputes

Losing a loved one is a difficult and testing time for most, without the added emotional distress of your biological relationship coming into question. When it comes to claims being made on the estate of the deceased, on some occasions a DNA test will be required. Due to the Wills, Trusts, and... Read More

22nd August 2022
How to change a name on a birth certificate

How to change a name on a birth certificate

Within 42 days of birth, parents in the UK are obliged to register their new child. Typically, this is done at the hospital where the child was born, however, in cases such as home births, or where the child’s name has not yet been decided, the parents can visit a local register office at a later... Read More

23rd May 2022
What is a toxicology report and how to get one?

What is a toxicology report and how to get one?


Toxicology, the study of the effects of drugs, chemicals, poisons, and other substances on living organisms, is a very interesting field that can have major implications in the legal world. Thanks to the expert work of toxicologists and their toxicology reports, the samples of hair, urine, blood,... Read More

5th August 2021
A Guide to Ketamine Drug Testing

A Guide to Ketamine Drug Testing

Ketamine is a class B drug under the UK Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 and it is illegal to possess, supply, or produce ketamine. If caught with ketamine, you could face up to five years in prison, an unlimited fine, or both. Supplying ketamine could land you in jail for up to 14 years. Ketamine is... Read More

4th August 2021

Drug Metabolites (Part 5) Cannabis Case Study

Case Studies

Cannabis Case Study The donor advised that he has never consumed cannabis, but is in an environment where cannabis is frequently smoked. Participant - Adult male Type of testing - Hair strand testing (HST) Detection period - 3 months approximately (overview) Results: Table 1:... Read More

9th June 2021

Drug Metabolites (Part 4): Child Cocaine Case Study

Cocaine Case Study The child is suspected of being in an environment where cocaine is frequently being consumed. Background: Participant - Child  (Age 4)  Type of testing - Hair strand testing (HST) Detection period - 4 months (segmented) Discussion: Cocaine... Read More

28th May 2021

Drug Metabolites (Part 3): Cocaine Case Study

Cocaine Case Study The mother is trying to prove the cessation of cocaine in order to reinstate custody of her child. Background: Participants - Mother  Type of testing - Hair strand testing (HST)  Detection period - 3 months (segmented)    No chemical... Read More

26th May 2021

Drug testing: Drug Metabolites (Part 2)

Drug Testing

In part 1 we touched on how metabolites assist in interpreting results, so this week we are going to look at this in more detail, and how a few common drugs and their metabolites can tell us about patterns of usage. We will follow this up in part 3 with a case study to illustrate how we at DNA... Read More

20th May 2021
